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Conference 2023 feedback

We are speechless - what an insane conference! Thank you for participating and making every moment of the TUM Blockchain Conference unique. It is essential to us that you felt the same way and we hope you were able to meet a lot of like-minded people.
With your feedback, we can not only find out what you liked, but we want to make the TUM Blockchain Conference even better and are especially happy about suggestions for improvement - thank you! 🔥

General info:


When have you been here?

When have you been here?

Select category

What describes you best?

🚀 The conference:

With how many people did you connect during the conference?

With how many people did you connect during the conference?
TUM Blockchain Club crew
Venue (Deutsches Museum)
Outside tent
Drinking prices
Food prices

Stages / program:

Dome / Planetarium Stage
Edu / Cinema Stage
Smaller room / Tech Stage
Agenda / Daily structure

What did you particularly like and what would you improve?

Would you recommend the TUM Blockchain Conference to others?

Would you recommend the TUM Blockchain Conference to others?
Thank you so much for your help and hope to see you at our next event! 🙏